The Online Games Debate and Argument Wars

Argument Wars

If you’re looking for a great online game to play with your students, Argument Wars is an excellent choice. This free game features nine different cases, and you can divide your students into groups of two or three. Each group is tasked with presenting their case, which is an excellent way to teach your students the basics of law cases. In addition, Argument Wars is available on a variety of platforms, including iOS and Android. Its graphics are also attractive and the game is easy to play and highly interactive.


The online game Werewolf features several roles that the player can take. One important role is the moderator, who keeps the game running smoothly by assigning roles randomly or using an online generator. The moderator also plays the crucial role of protecting the identities of the seer and werewolf. It’s easy for the villager to figure out the identity of a werewolf, so it’s essential that the moderator protects their identity.

Argument Wars 2

It was developed by award-winning Filament Games and released by nonprofit organization iCivics. While players are not required to register, they must choose an avatar and select one side to argue for.

Argument Wars 3

Students can learn more about a particular legal issue by playing Argument Wars 3 in The Online Games hwid spoofer Debate. This persuasive game gives students a chance to represent either side of a debate. Unlike in real life, students can choose their side and make their case from the perspective of their character. This game is great for introducing major court cases and is suitable for students of social studies. It also features extension activities to enhance student learning.

Argument Wars 4

Argument Wars is a simulation game that tests your persuasive skills. It is similar to Sid Meier’s Civilization, but instead of battling other players to control an empire, you fight to win Supreme Court cases. You choose an avatar, one of eight cases, and a position to defend. Then, you battle against the computer-controlled opposition council.

Argument Wars 5

Argument Wars is a game that simulates arguing cases before the Supreme Court. In each round, you choose an avatar and a case to take on. From classic cases to controversial issues, you’ll have to make sure that your argument is persuasive enough to win. Fortunately, the game comes with an in-game glossary to help you understand legal terms.

Argument Wars 6

Argument Wars is a fun game that involves presenting evidence and arguments. Students are divided into teams and must choose a side for each case. They are then paired with opposing students and must defend their choices. The game helps students develop critical thinking skills by encouraging them to develop strong opinions and brainstorm reasons for them.

Argument Wars 7

If you’ve ever played a persuasive card game, you’ll love Argument Wars. The card game format helps players build their case by examining major cases in history. Players choose one of the two sides of a case, arguing for or against it in four rounds. To make your case, you’ll need to use Support cards to build the core of your case and Action cards for strategic elements. Object cards call out mistakes made by your opponents.

Argument Wars 8

If you are looking for a fun game that teaches civic and constitutional awareness, look no further than Argument Wars. This simulation game allows players to take the role of lawyers and argue cases before the Supreme Court. Players can choose from a range of cases, from classic cases to hot-button issues, and can argue for either side. However, the real prize in Argument Wars is not a perceived moral high ground, but the ability to make the strongest constitutional argument.

Argument Wars 9

Argument Wars is a fun game that combines courtroom simulation and civic and constitutional awareness to teach young players the finer points of debating. As a player, you take on the role of a lawyer on either side of a controversial Supreme Court case. In each case, you must select the right constitutional amendment in order to win.